Nursing Home Abuse Checklist
Unfortunately, nursing home abuse is common, with an estimated tens of thousands of nursing home residents seriously injured or killed in the facilities that are supposed to protect and care for them. Accurate statistics on nursing home abuse and neglect are often incomplete as residents do not or cannot speak up due to infirmities or fear of retribution.
Nursing home abuse is not without its signs. If your loved one is in a nursing home, it is important to recognize the signs of nursing home abuse to prevent the harm and neglect that is common. Nursing home abuse comes in five forms, including neglect, physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, and financial exploitation, and each type of abuse has distinct warning signs.
Five Types of Nursing Home Abuse
Each type of nursing home abuse will have its own signs and symptoms, but it is important to avoid focusing entirely on a single form of abuse and ignoring other warning signs that could point to more than one type of abuse.
The five types of nursing home abuse are:
- Neglect-Nursing home neglect is the most common type of abuse. Neglect occurs when nursing home staff are overworked, undertrained, and inattentive and basic needs of nursing home residents get ignored causing discomfort, pain, physical harm, and emotional distress.
- Financial Exploitation-Nursing home residents are rarely able to be in control of their own finances. When nursing home staff exploit a resident’s finances for their own gain, they are committing financial exploitation.
- Physical Abuse-Physical abuse is the second-most common type of nursing home abuse. When nursing home staff use physical force to threaten, injure, or restrain residents they can not only physically harm them, but also cause psychological harm.
- Psychological Abuse-Psychological abuse may be verbal or non-verbal methods of abuse. If a nursing home staff member berates, plays mind games, or confuses a resident on purpose, they are committing emotional, or psychological abuse.
- Sexual Abuse-Sexual abuse is when a nursing home staff member partakes in sexual acts, particularly with residents who are non-verbal, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to give consent.
Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
There are definite red-flags that point to nursing home abuse that everyone should be aware of and if you suspect at any time that your loved one is suffering abuse at the hands of nursing home staff, it is important to trust your instincts.
To determine if nursing home abuse is occurring, watch for evidence of the following when touring a nursing home or visiting your loved one:
Physical Signs of Abuse
- Pressure sores;
- Broken glasses;
- Bruises;
- Burns;
- Cuts and scrapes;
- Fractures;
- Malnutrition;
- Unwashed and undressed residents;
- Soiled linens and clothing;
- Bloody linens and clothing;
- Unexplained injuries and infections;
- Unexplained weight loss;
- Genital injuries, bruising, and STI’s;
- Urinary tract infections;
- Sudden lack of mobility.
Behavioral Signs of Abuse
- Erratic mood swings;
- Disorientation;
- Fear of nursing home staff;
- Age regression/child-like behavior;
- Fear of bathing;
- Sleep disturbances and nightmares;
- Complaints of pain;
- Depression and anxiety;
- Inappropriate displays of affection;
- Aversion to touch;
- Withdrawn behavior;
- Anger;
- Suddenly non-responsive.
Signs of Financial Abuse
- Lack of amenities;
- Past due notices;
- New credit cards in a loved one’s name;
- Unexplained expenses;
- Change of Power of Attorney;
- Forged checks and financial documents.
Staff Warning Signs
- Staff talking loudly unnecessarily;
- Use of outdated procedures;
- Impatient or demanding behaviors;
- Use of restraints;
- Overuse of medications;
- Moving patients roughly;
- Nursing home staff that refuses to let you see your loved one or be alone with them;
- Frequent changes in staff;
- Residents being transferred from the facility frequently;
- Staff that appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
- Administering drugs against the patients or families wishes;
- Injury reports that do not match what your loved one says.
Environmental Signs of Abuse
- Missing or broken care equipment;
- Lack of safety features;
- Crowded resident areas;
- The smell of urine and feces;
- Dirty surroundings;
- Missing belongings or money;
- Inadequate food;
- Outbreaks of communicable diseases;
- Residents calling for help that goes unanswered;
- Full bedpans and colostomy bags;
- Pests or rodents present.
If you witness any of these signs, do not ignore them. Document them with time-stamped pictures, collect documents that may be relevant, and keep notes on what you see. If you feel that your loved one is in immediate danger, get them to safety and contact authorities to file a claim and contact an experienced personal injury lawyer to discuss your case.
If you believe a loved one has been abused or neglected at a long-term care facility, contact 844 See Mike, for a free consultation. We are a Chicago injury law firm representing individuals and families who have suffered an injury or loss due to an accident. 844 See Mike, will handle your personal injury case quickly, will advise you every step of the way, and will not hesitate to go to trial for you.
Lastly, 844 See Mike, does not get paid attorney’s fees unless we win your case. Our no-fee promise is that simple. Therefore, you have nothing to risk when you hire us–just the opportunity to seek justice.
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