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Child Bike Accidents

Michael Agruss

Written and Reviewed by Michael Agruss

  • Managing Partner and Personal Injury Lawyer at 844SeeMike.
  • Over 20 years of experience in Personal Injury.
  • Graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law: Juris Doctor, 2004.


Learning to ride a bike is a huge milestone in the life of a child. Not only do they gain a bit of independence, but they are also taking part in a healthy and fun activity. While riding a bike is great for anyone of any age, it doesn’t come without risks. 

Having a child involved in a bike accident can be both frightening and frustrating, especially when your child is in pain and you are trying to care for them while dealing with medical bills and an insurance company that likely does not want to pay for your child’s injuries.

At 844 See Mike, we represent clients in Illinois who have suffered personal injuries from a bicycle accident, as well as family members who have lost a loved one in a road accident caused by negligent or reckless conduct of another person. We know that when a bicycle collides with a vehicle weighing at least 2,000 pounds, the odds are not in the cyclist’s favor and the results can be tragic.

It’s important to consult with an experienced Chicago bicycle accident attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights and determine if you have a valid personal injury claim or wrongful death claim against a reckless or negligent driver. If you were injured in a bicycle accident, contact 844 See Mike, for a free consultation.

Child Bike Accident Statistics

According to a recently published study by researchers in the Center for Injury Research found that between 2006 and 2015, more than 2.2 million children aged 5-17 years old were treated in U.S. hospitals for bicycle-related injuries. This averages 608 cases per day, or 25 injuries per hour.

When most parents think of bike accidents involving their children, they think of their child falling from the bicycle. And while this is the most common type of bike accident involving children, the most severe injuries and wrongful deaths occur when a motor vehicle strikes a child on their bike.

In data released for 2017, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that 53 children under the age of 14 were killed in the U.S. in motor vehicle-cyclist accidents which accounted for 7% of all cyclists killed. Even when child bike accidents are not fatal, the injuries sustained can be life-altering.

Child Bike Accident Injuries

Some of the most common types of injuries in a bike accident involving children include lacerations, fractures, scrapes, and bruising. These types of injuries can be painful, but most children will heal with no lifelong issues.

One of the most common, and most severe, injuries a child can sustain in a bike accident is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI’s are the most common cause of disability and death among children in the U.S. according to the Brain Injury Association, with over 1 million children yearly suffering some sort of brain injury.

The effects of a brain injury are not always apparent, sometimes taking years for the full extent of the damage to be realized. Some of the symptoms of a TBI include:

  • Lost consciousness/blackouts for any period of time;
  • Headaches, especially with pressure within the head;
  • Sensitivity to light and noise, such as with a migraine;
  • Poor balance/coordination;
  • Trouble sleeping/insomnia;
  • Excessive weakness or fatigue, even with sufficient rest;
  • Confusion, disorientation, trouble concentrating, or memory loss;
  • Sudden irritability, mood swings, or excessive reactions to events;
  • Tingling, numbness, or lost feeling in the feet, toes, hands, or fingers.

Having a child injured in a bike accident is traumatic. The lawyers at 844 See Mike LLC are prepared to help reduce some of the stress you and your family are under and also to help your child receive the compensation they are entitled to.

We at 844 See Mike are proud to serve our fellow citizens in personal injury cases, especially when you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, and we are fully committed to protecting your rights and ensuring that the other party is held legally accountable when negligence occurs. We will fight until the very end to ensure that you are fully compensated for all injuries and losses resulting from the accident, including medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering, and you won’t owe us a dime for our services.

We see you as a person, not just a client – and that makes us better at work we do. We listen. We learn your story. And, as we help you get the money you deserve, we go above and beyond in a way most law firms never could and never would. Because we’re not just lawyers. And you’re not just a client. We’re friends, neighbors, family. We’re all people and here at 844 See Mike, we put People, First.

Helping our clients is about counseling, advocating, and ultimately solving problems. With years of experience successfully representing the people, not the powerful, we will take care of the insurance adjusters, your medical bills, your property damage, your lost wages, and monitor your treatment so you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal. Our unique formula has earned us over 900 outstanding client reviews on our website, an A+ BBB rating, and over 120 five-star reviews on Google.  Call 888-572-0176, e-mail us at, or schedule meeting with us here. We’re here 24/7. 

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