Beach Accidents & Drownings
A trip to the beach can be a fun family getaway or a romantic date, but when the beach does not follow proper precautions to keep people safe, people can get in the way of serious harm. Oftentimes, children that are having fun on the beach are in even more severe danger due to their lack of understanding of danger. This is why beach owners must take any and all precautions to ensure the safety of its beach-goers. If you or a loved one was injured or had a drowning incident, contact us for a free consultation to evaluate your premises liability case.
Premises liability accidents occur when a person is injured on someone else’s property due to negligence and a lack of a reasonable duty of care to its invitees or licensees. The owner of the beach can be held liable for negligence if they did not maintain the grounds properly or had insufficient staff on site. People may suffer from hazards on the beach and sand itself, such as sharp objects, holes in the ground, or obstructions. People may also suffer from drowning incidents, which can easily be fatal. The beach owner owes its invitees and licensees a duty of care. If you can prove that duty existed, it was breached, you suffered actual injuries and damages, and that they were the cause of those damages, then you may have a case to sue the beach owner for negligence and be compensated for your damages.
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