3-Vehicle Crash Shuts Down I-155 Ramp
A 3-vehicle crash closed the Interstate 155 southbound ramp to I-74 for nearly 40 minutes on Thursday.
According to Illinois State Police, Bernard Sullivan, 75, was driving a truck pulling a trailer shortly after 2:30 pm on the southbound ramp when the area became covered in fog.
Sullivan was merging onto I-74 and failed to see Daniel Crumnine, 29, ahead of him. Sullivan rear-ended Crumnine’s pick-up. Both vehicles swerved left and collided. The trailer Sullivan was pulling hit the rear end of a minivan driven by Emmanual Foday, 29.
Three passengers, Deborah Foday, 26, and two infants in the minivan, were taken to the hospital and released later that night. Sullivan was issued a citation for driving too fast for conditions.
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