What happens if you leave a broken rib untreated?
If you or a loved one has fractured a bone from an accident, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation so we can help you recover from this experience and get fairly compensated.
Broken ribs should warrant immediate medical attention since some of your vital organs are at risk of damage if a broken rib punctured them. Though doctors cannot put a cast on your ribs, your doctor can observe, evaluate, and treat any complications that may have already occurred or are anticipated to occur because of the accident.
If you leave a broken rib untreated, the fracture can worsen over time into a larger crack and it also risks damaging surrounding soft tissue, organs, nerves, or blood vessels. It can also lead to unbearable chest pain when breathing or swallowing at the moment. Longer-term consequences include chest wall deformity if the broken bones fuse back together in an abnormal configuration, decreased lung function, chronic pain, pneumonia, or even death. That being said, it is absolutely imperative that after any accident affecting your chest you should go seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid any complications associated with the fracture.
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