Car Accident Personal Injury Lawsuit Settled
A recent personal injury lawsuit, spawned by a rear-end accident, has been settled for $169,289. Sally Gordon was driving on a highway when her car was struck from behind by Morteza Hosseini. Gordon’s Honda Accord sustained $1,800 worth of damage, and Gordon herself suffered a serious injury to her cervical spine, in her neck.
As a result of the rear-ender, Gordon sustained neck pain, left trapezius muscle pain, left arm pain, and radiating numbness and tingling in her left arm and hand. An MRI taken after the accident showed a 3.5 mm disc bulge in her spine, and a nerve-block procedure revealed nerve damage in her neck. She sought compensation for her serious and prolonged neck injury, for her medical bills. Hosseini’s attorneys argued that Gordon’s injuries were not as severe as she claimed and that her arm symptoms were caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. The jury did not agree and awarded Gordon economic damages, both past and future ($53,289 and $86,000, respectively), and non-economic damages of $30,000. Interestingly, Gordon’s attorneys had her car re-inspected after repairs had been done, where it was found that the internal rear bumper had not been replaced as was required; Hosseini’s insurance carrier paid Gordon another $369 for the additional property damage, just before the trial.
If you have been injured in a car accident, contact 844 See Mike, for a free consultation at 312-224-4695. 844 See Mike, handles personal injury cases throughout Illinois. 844 See Mike, will handle your personal injury case quickly, will advise you every step of the way, and will not hesitate to go to trial for you. This litigation strategy will provide you with the best possible compensation.
Lastly, 844 See Mike, does not get paid attorney’s fees unless we win your case. Our no-fee promise is that simple. Therefore, you have nothing to risk when you hire our Chicago personal injury law firm–just the opportunity to seek justice. Call us today at 312-224-4695.
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