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Understanding Different Types of Car Insurance

Khai Nguyen:

Good morning, Taylor and Mike.

Michael Agruss:

How are you?

Khai Nguyen:

I’m good. How are you? It’s been a while to see you, Taylor.

Taylor Kosla:

Yes, I’m so glad to be back. Thanks for having me.

Khai Nguyen:

Thank you so much. Today we’re going to talk about car accident, as you’re experts. Okay. Last time when I hosted the talk show with Mike, we had some really important questions, and Mike did a really great job without you.

Taylor Kosla:

Oh geez. The pressure’s on.

Michael Agruss:

Seriously. Thank you.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. It’s really a great show, and today have been you here, so I have some typical questions about a car accident, raised for you. First, we have a new audience and listeners to you, so please give them an introduction about what you’re doing and how’s your business lately?

Michael Agruss:

Sure. I’m Mike Agruss. I’m the Managing partner at Agruss Law firm. We do personal injury, consumer rights, and Taylor’s my partner. Today we’re going to talk about car accidents, but in particular insurance issues. There are always a lot of issues with insurance, so it’s a really important topic for people to learn about and to know about. It’s something that we really help out with when people are involved in car accidents.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. [foreign language 00:01:47]. Taylor, can you please just do a brief introduction about what you’re doing in the law firm?

Taylor Kosla:

Yeah. I’m Mike’s partner. I’ve been at 844 See Mike since August of 2017. Like Mike said, we handle up personal injury cases and consumer rights. Everything from car accidents to medical malpractice, to inaccuracies on your credit report.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. [foreign language 00:02:35]. Okay. Let me raise you the first question, Mike. What type of issues comes into play when someone is involved in a car accident?

Michael Agruss:

Sure. Often times people think of a car accident, and you’re just thinking about the at fault driver’s insurance. Obviously that’s the first sort of point of contact or investigation, but we’re going to get deeper into different types of coverage and other types of insurance,. Not only are you talking about the at fault driver’s insurance, there is also, depending on the facts and what happens, there is a possibility of going after your own insurance company.

Michael Agruss:

Any time you’re involved in an accident, you’re not just dealing with liability insurance or bodily injury insurance, you’re also dealing with health insurance. Who’s going to pay your bills? That’s another layer of insurance that pertains to car accidents. If you are working during a car accident, you could potentially have workers’ compensation coverage, which is another layer of coverage. Then sometimes people have umbrella policies, meaning you can go after someone’s insurance if their auto insurance doesn’t have enough coverage. Sometimes people think they’re in a car accident and can handle it themselves. It’s easy. We’re just going to go after the other person’s insurance company. Often times there’s multiple layers and that’s why it’s important to hire an attorney.

Khai Nguyen:

Great. [foreign language 00:05:12]. The second question is for you Taylor. Some of these, the difference between property damage coverage and the bodily injury coverage. What’s different?

Taylor Kosla:

Sure. Property damage deals with the actual damage to the vehicles in an accident. Maybe your bumper’s messed up. The front end is crashed. You’re going to claim damage under the property damage to get your car repaired or replaced. Also under the property damage coverage will be an opportunity for you to have like a loaner car if it’s going to take a week or so to get your car repaired. Again, this varies by the policy, but if it’s going to take a week for your car to get repaired, often times you’ll be able to get a loaner car under this coverage.

Taylor Kosla:

Bodily injury refers to injury to the actual person. Maybe you went to the ER, you had surgery, followup appointments. Those medical bills and expenses, those fall under the bodily injury claim. In addition to that, maybe as a result of your injuries, the surgery, recovery, you couldn’t work. You can claim things like lost wages, and pain and suffering. That falls under the bodily injury. So it’s really damage to the vehicle, the property, and then damages to the person.

Khai Nguyen:

Okay. Thank you so much Taylor. [foreign language 00:09:47]. Let’s come to the third question. How does the insurance work? If someone hits your car, you’re injured, but they’re at fault.

Michael Agruss:

Sure. In an ideal world, in a perfect situation, if someone hits your car, they’re at fault and you’re injured, their insurance company will pay for your damages, that Taylor was just explaining. So property damages, bodily injury, things like that. When you’re dealing with insurance companies though, nothing is ever the ideal world. I think everyone knows insurance companies are not in the business of signing off checks and paying off on full policies. Once in a blue moon it happens. Often times it doesn’t and that’s why people need to hire an attorney. You hire us so we can do the investigation, make sure that we have all the facts, all the evidence, making sure you’re getting treatment and making sure that at the end, that at fault driver’s insurance company pays you what you’re entitled to.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. Thank you so much. [foreign language 00:11:46]. How about, I’m in an accident and I’m injured, but I’m partially at fault?

Taylor Kosla:

If you’re partially at fault, in Illinois there’s something that’s called comparative fault. As long as you’re not 50% at fault, so 49%, unless you can recover, and maybe sometimes your recovery is reduced by your part of fault, but that’s why you want to hire an attorney, because these are problems that we can deal with and make sure you get the compensation you deserve, even if you are partially at fault for an accident

Michael Agruss:

And to chime in real quick, insurance companies often want to say, oh, you were also at fault. Once again, to minimize the claims. Unless something is black and white, like you’re at a stop light waiting for the light to turn green, you’ve been there for 15 seconds and someone rear-ends you, that’s black and white. In the real world stuff like that doesn’t happen. You’ve got wet roads. You’ve got a four way intersection with two stop signs. You’ve got people speeding. You’ve got people driving too fast or too slow. There’s a lot of moving parts.

Khai Nguyen:

Had to hire an attorney to minimize on the faults.

Michael Agruss:

Correct. Keep in mind, I was actually just talking to an adjuster this week, and he was saying that he worked at Allstate and he was talking, we have a case where the at fault driver’s State Farm. He was saying, he’s a liability adjuster. He was saying, his job is to just figure out who’s at fault. That’s it, not payment or anything else. He said, oh, I don’t know if we’ll hear back from State Farm. He said, they always say it’s comparative fault. Meaning, if there’s any opportunity to say that someone else was partially at fault, they’ll always say it. That’s why you should hire a lawyer.

Khai Nguyen:

Great. It’s good to know. [foreign language 00:15:04]. Mike, could you please give us the definition? So what is the uninsured motorist coverage, and under insured motorist coverage? It’s a mouthful.

Michael Agruss:

It is a mouthful and people in our office always get it confused, and it’s described as uninsured is UM coverage and under insured is UIM coverage.

Khai Nguyen:

UM and UIM. Okay.

Michael Agruss:

Yeah. The easiest way to look at it is, if someone doesn’t have insurance, which is uninsured. In Illinois, you are required to carry as a driver, uninsured motorist coverage. Meaning if someone hits you in they’re at fault and they don’t have insurance, you go after your own insurance. So if you hit me, you’re at fault, you don’t have insurance. I have uninsured coverage, and I go after my own carrier for property damage, like Taylor was describing bodily injury, lost wages, the things that Taylor went over a few minutes ago. That’s uninsured motorist coverage, which is required in Illinois.

Michael Agruss:

Under insured motorist coverage is a little bit different. That means let’s give the same example. You hit me and you’re at fault. The minimum policy you need in Illinois is 25,000. Let’s say my damages are half a million dollars. Let’s say I broke a leg. I can’t walk. I’ve been off work for a year. Your carrier is only responsible to pay 25 grand because that’s your minimum. I can then go after my own carrier for above, based on under insured motorist coverage, meaning you didn’t have enough coverage, I’ve got extra coverage. We run the show last week. It’s so important, if anyone remembers anything from the show this week.

Khai Nguyen:

I do.

Michael Agruss:

Yes. You know what I’m going to say, maximize your coverage for liability, uninsured and under-insured. The reason it’s so important is, people think they’re getting insurance. So if they’re in an accident and they’re at fault, right, but you’re really getting insurance to protect yourself. So my policy allows me to have a million dollars of coverage, and I’m doing that yeah to protect you. But I’m also doing it if you hit me and you have no insurance, you have 25 grand. I can go after USA and say, hey, I want the rest, assuming I’m entitled to it. So it’s when someone doesn’t have insurance, uninsured or someone doesn’t have enough insurance, which is under insured. Maximize your policy to protect yourself. Super important.

Khai Nguyen:

Okay. [foreign language 00:19:50].

Michael Agruss:

Can I give you a quick example before you go on? It’s actually a case that Taylor was working on it. We talk like lawyers, and uninsured under insured, and sometimes it may just go over people’s head. Let me give you a perfect real world example. It’s a case that Taylor worked on, and Taylor and I were upstairs before the show at our office and we just got the settlement check in. Our client, the miner on his bicycle. Obviously we don’t want to say names.

Michael Agruss:

A 16 year old kid was riding downtown on Michigan Avenue, a bike in the bike lane. Someone turned and ran him over. It was awful. He’s covered under his parents’ auto insurance. Went to Northwestern Hospital. In the hospital a couple of days. Facial fractures, concussion, stitches, broken bone. It was an awful, awful situation. He’s lucky to be alive. Taylor worked on the case. We got the case. She got the case settled in a couple of months. The at fault driver has $25,000 insurance. The parents have $25,000 of insurance. This case is probably worth half a million, million dollars, and there’s no insurance coverage. I’m sorry, there’s not enough insurance coverage. Right.

Khai Nguyen:

Okay. So, how did they pay those medical bills for the little boy?

Taylor Kosla:

Yeah. In situations like this, as we’re going to get into this later on, but the healthcare providers are entitled to a certain portion of the settlement, but they’re only going to be paid a fraction of what those bills actually were.

Khai Nguyen:

So they’re going to get like medical bill, like month by month to pay, like installment?

Taylor Kosla:

No. We handle that as a part of the settlement. The settlement funds that come to us, we have to disperse a certain portion with the healthcare providers and we work with them to negotiate them down. They’re taking as little amount of the settlement as possible to make our client net the most.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. Okay.

Michael Agruss:

Had the family had maximized their insurance coverage, they could have collected the 25 grand from the at fault driver and then gone after their own insurance for the under insured. So it’s a real-world example of, and it extends to your family too. He’s a 16 year old kid on the parent’s policy, and there’s not enough insurance to pay this kid for his accident. So it’s sad. We see this happen all the time.

Taylor Kosla:

The cost to actually maximize your insurance coverage, it’s so nominal, relative to the additional coverage that you can get.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. That’s what Mike told me at the last talk show. Yeah. It just reminded to the audience that it’s just like 10 to $5 a part, when you buy…

Taylor Kosla:

A month. Right.

Michael Agruss:

Yeah. A month. So for an extra $10 a month to make sure you have coverage, in case someone else hits you on a bike or someone else hits a family member. I mean, it’s so important. It’s a real-world example and this stuff just happens all the time.

Khai Nguyen:

[foreign language 00:26:42]. Let’s move on. Whose insurance pays for the car repairs in the accident?

Taylor Kosla:

Car repairs, that’s property damage. The at fault driver’s insurance company should pay for the car repairs. In our firm, although it’s a property damage claim, we will help you with that, in addition to your bodily injury claim for free. We’ll help you get in to get the estimate. A lot of insurance companies will ask where the person resides. They’ll provide a few locations for them to go get an estimate. We can help coordinate the rental car. But in an accident, the vehicle that is at fault for the accident, their insurance company should pay for the car repair and the replacement.

Khai Nguyen:

Okay. [foreign language 00:28:54]. I Have a question about the car repairs. How long does it normally take to get a car, or like in the case that my car is total loss. How long I can get a new car to just take kids to the school and go to the grocery store, whatever?

Taylor Kosla:

I’d say it’s pretty quick actually with property damage repair. They really want to get you back on the road as quickly as possible, because the longer that you’re not, they might be paying for that loaner. Every day that they’re paying for that is more money out of their pocket. But once a car is deemed a total loss, they’ll give you the value of the vehicle at the time of the loss. They turn that over pretty quickly.

Michael Agruss:

Yeah. Even if you don’t get it from the other side quickly, if you’re dealing with an insurance company that’s not great on the other side, you can actually, and we help clients do this all the time, you can ask your own insurance company to pay the property damage. Then your own insurance company will go after the at fault carriers.

Khai Nguyen:


Michael Agruss:

Exactly. This case I was talking about a minute ago, dealing with Allstate and State Farm, the Allstate adjuster said, do you want us to just pay out the property damage and we’ll go after State Farm? And I said, yeah, of course, because exact same situation, client’s car’s totalled. She needs to get to work, take the kids to school, running errands, grocery shopping, all that. So we immediately helped out, got the issue resolved. And like Taylor mentioned, we do that for free. So property damage, if we get you a check for 10 grand for your car to go get a new car, we don’t take any percentage of that, it’s all yours.

Khai Nguyen:

Capitalize, free.

Michael Agruss:


Khai Nguyen:


Michael Agruss:

You don’t hear that often from lawyers, is that why you’re laughing? But I liked that. Capitalize free.

Khai Nguyen:

That’s the main word. Okay. [foreign language 00:32:19] If I’m injured in a car accident, whose insurance pays for my medical bills? It’s a big deal.

Michael Agruss:

Yeah. The at fault driver’s insurance company, when it comes time to settling a case, at the end of the case, they will pay for your medical bills, which are a part of your damages. They pay for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of normal life. They take care of all of the damages, which medical bills fall under. The issue, and we’re going to get into this a little bit further in the next couple of questions, but the main issue is, what do you do in the meantime, right? When the case is, sometimes we settle, we try our best to settle as quickly as possible. Sometimes we settle in a couple of months, but sometimes people are getting treatment for a year and we’re not going to settle while they’re still getting treatment. In that situation, we make sure that your medical bills are getting submitted and paid for by your health insurance.

Michael Agruss:

We’re going to talk in a minute about medical payment coverage, which is another option of getting your medical bills paid. Then we’re also going to talk in a minute about what happens if you don’t have health insurance, you don’t have medical payment coverage. You’re really sort of out of luck. We have several different doctors we work with in various networks who will treat patients on what’s called the lien, meaning they get paid at the end. So the bottom line is, just like we understand how important it is to get your car fixed right away, we also understand how important it is to get treatment to get better. We’ll make sure that the bills are being submitted to insurance or medical payment coverage, or you’re seeing a doctor who will wait to get paid when your case settles.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. Thank you so much. [foreign language 00:35:26]. Let’s say about the worst case. I do not have any health insurance. How can I receive medical treatment and who will pay my medical bills?

Taylor Kosla:

You want to contact our firm, because we will help you find doctors and healthcare providers who will treat you on a lien. They’ll get paid at the end of the settlement. You won’t have to worry about medical bills while you’re treating. You can get all the treatment that you need. These doctors and providers just know that they trust us, that they’ll get paid at the end of the case. We can help you find physical therapists, orthopedic surgeon, pain management doctors, all of these healthcare providers that will treat you, even if you don’t have health insurance.

Khai Nguyen:

Okay. That’s really nice. How can you get the big connection with all doctors and therapists along the time, along your journey?

Taylor Kosla:

That’s the big secret, right?

Michael Agruss:

Yeah. We can’t tell you. We can’t tell you the secret sauce.

Khai Nguyen:

Later. After the show.

Michael Agruss:

We have a great working relationship with several doctors all throughout Chicago, Illinois, Wisconsin, things are expanding. It comes with experience. It comes with time. It comes with our clients getting treatment at certain facilities that do a really good job. Our clients like them, we reach out to them. It takes a lot of work.

Khai Nguyen:

Do you remember the longest case to get a settlement?

Michael Agruss:

The longest case? It’s interesting. We are actually working on a case that is going to trial on November 1st, and the lawsuit, the injury happened in 2016. The lawsuit was filed in 2017. We were set to go to trial right before COVID hit. Courts shut down. We were first on the list to get a trial date. We’re going to trial on November 1st.

Khai Nguyen:

Four years?

Michael Agruss:

Since the date of the accident.

Khai Nguyen:

About five years.

Michael Agruss:

Almost. It happened Thanksgiving weekend of 2016. So almost five years. Not by our choice. The case I was just telling you about with the kid on the bike, where there wasn’t insurance, Taylor settled that case in a couple of months, maybe even two months. That is more standard at our office, but if there’s a huge fight and massive injuries and no one wants to pay, it takes time to get in front of a jury. But I don’t want to scare the viewers.

Taylor Kosla:

That is like such a unique case where there’s a lot of parties, no insurance and a horse, and a lot of damages. That is totally a one-off situation. We settle cases as quickly as possible.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. I know it was like, some cases takes like a month or so, but average like four or five months to get a settlement. But yeah, I heard that frankly, it’s just the case. Like couple of years, it’s really worse, but sometimes it’s not only because of the both parties, but external reasons also, like COVID-19.

Michael Agruss:

Correct. This case that Taylor and I are talking about is not a car accident case. It’s a unique case. A car accident case, if it doesn’t settle for whatever reason, from the time you file a lawsuit to you get a trial date outside of COVID and other circumstances like that, it’s usually two years. If we can’t settle a case because the insurance company doesn’t want to pay, the moment we file, we go a hundred miles an hour to get to that trial date, because we know that that will trigger a settlement. A couple of years if we have to file, but we try to get, if there’s a reasonable offer, money for our client.

Khai Nguyen:

Must have so much patience between you and your customers and insurance, all parties. Right?

Michael Agruss:

Right. Yeah. But, if a case does get litigated for a couple of years or whatever the case is, it’s important that the viewers know we work on a contingency fee. We don’t get paid until our clients get paid. If we’re litigating for years and years, we’re investing our time and money. Our client is not paying. When and if the case settles or we get a verdict, that’s when we get paid.

Khai Nguyen:

You get a big applause on the screen.

Michael Agruss:

Would the capital, free, that’d be part of it too?

Khai Nguyen:

[foreign language 00:42:34]. What is the medical payment coverage in the insurance policy?

Michael Agruss:

Sure. This is something also important that most people have, it’s not required, but on your own auto insurance policy, you have what’s called medical payment coverage. Typically, people get a couple of thousand dollars, up to $5,000, and it allows you to go after your own insurance company to pay for your first round of medical bills. A lot of people don’t know about this, that they have medical payment coverage, and what’s really nice about it is it acts just like cash. If you go to a doctor and let’s say your insurance pays 80% of the bill, your health insurance, and you’re left with 20% of the bill out of pocket, if it’s a $10,000 medical bill, that could be $2,000 you’re left with out of pocket, right? For the deductible, co-pays and all of that. You can turn all of that around and submit it to your medical payment coverage on your own policy.

Michael Agruss:

We actually do that for our clients. You get reimbursed from your own auto insurance company for any type of medical payment, up to whatever the coverage is. So you can get reimbursed for deductibles. You can get reimbursed for co-pays. Let’s say, for example, you fill a prescription at Walgreens and your insurance covers some of it, but you have to pay out of pocket $50 or a hundred dollars. You take all those receipts, give them to us. We send them into your own insurance and your insurance cuts you a check back for medical payment coverage. It’s very simple. It’s easy. It’s clean. A lot of people don’t know they have it. That is one of the extra layers of coverage that we help our clients get reimbursed for.

Khai Nguyen:

It means that it’s the optional policy that I can like pay extra in the premium?

Michael Agruss:

Correct. It’s probably 10, 20 bucks, every six months, to have medical payment coverage.

Khai Nguyen:

Okay. What is the maximum that I can pay for that medical group coverage?

Michael Agruss:

The maximum medical payment coverage you can have? Good question. It’s going to be policy specific. I have seen Medpay coverage up to a hundred grand, I think. It’s something where, unlike the other areas that we’ve talked about, where I always say, maximize, this is something where like, if you have good health insurance, you’re not going to rely too much on your Medpay coverage. It’s really just sort of extra money. It’s like an emergency sort of fund where you can tap into if you need it. If you have Austin Health insurance, your Medpay coverage isn’t that important, but it’s still nice to have as a backup plan, or for co-pays, deductibles, things like that.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. Because I know that like some Vietnamese specifically, Vietnamese people they don’t have even 500,000 to pay the deductible co-pays. I think when we paid for the medical coverage, it can jump up to have them for those cash.

Michael Agruss:

Totally. People who are in a bind and are getting bills, it’s incredible because it’s instant. Like when you go see a doctor and they send the bill to health insurance, they’ve got to approve it. And then maybe there’s a dispute. It takes time. This is like, you submit a bill and you get a check.

Khai Nguyen:


Michael Agruss:

Very simple.

Khai Nguyen:

I see. Okay. If the customer’s hires any like 844 See Mike, just submit those receipts to you and you want to do the job for them?

Michael Agruss:


Khai Nguyen:


Michael Agruss:

Yeah. We take care of it all.

Khai Nguyen:

Yes. You look at Taylor like that.

Michael Agruss:

We deal with this all day long. So, Taylor knows. We appreciate and understand there’s a sense of urgency. Just like you were saying in the Vietnamese community, if someone doesn’t have a $500 to pay.

Khai Nguyen:

Emergency fund.

Michael Agruss:

Yes. We jump on it right away. We take care of it.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. Thank you. [foreign language 00:49:22]. How does your 844 See Mike get paid in the personal injury claim?

Taylor Kosla:

Clients don’t have to pay us any money out of pocket. We work on a contingency fee, which is one third of the settlement amount. This is pretty standard in industry. However, our fee never changes. A lot of firms out there, they’ll charge 40 or 50%, sometimes even more if they have to file a case or take it to trial. Our one-third fee never changes. Clients don’t have to pay us a penny out of their pocket. We front all the costs for the case. We just get paid at the end.

Michael Agruss:

Are you thinking of that applause thing? You have that in my mind now.

Khai Nguyen:

[foreign language 00:51:41]. How much insurance coverage should I get to protect myself?

Michael Agruss:

Sure. We’re going to go over it again. Maximize your insurance policy. It’s very easy. Call up your insurance carrier and say, I want to maximize my coverage for liability. I want to maximize my coverage if someone hits me and they don’t have insurance, and I want to maximize my coverage if someone hits me and they don’t have enough insurance. Depending on what carrier you use, it’ll be capped out. Some carriers will allow you to get 300,000, 500,000. Sometimes there’ll be a million in coverage. Whatever it is, maximize it. It’s simple. It’s by 10 bucks a month to have the maximum policy compared to 25 grand, which is the minimum, and everyone should do it.

Khai Nguyen:

[foreign language 00:52:47]. Let’s come to the last question for the show. Is it important to get insurance from the reputable company?

Taylor Kosla:

Yes. You want to not only have good insurance coverage, but you want to use a good insurance company. You really get what you pay for. [inaudible 00:56:43] and insurance is there to protect you. You want the best protection possible. You want to think about insurance as if you’re in an accident with someone who’s either uninsured, or they don’t have enough coverage. How is your own insurance company going to treat you? How are they going to resolve the claim? The better the insurance company, the better the resolution of the claim is. You’ve all seen the cheap insurance commercials. Well, you really get what you pay for, the name your own price. You want to go with a good company and you can look online and they actually rate insurance companies, best for customer service claim handling. We’ve said it like a million times today, but maximize your limits.

Khai Nguyen:

Personal question. You pay for?

Michael Agruss:

I have USAA.

Khai Nguyen:

USAA. Okay.

Michael Agruss:

Right. My dad served in the military and so I get grandfathered in.

Khai Nguyen:

Thank you.

Michael Agruss:

I should thank my dad. I get that benefit. Otherwise, who do you have?

Taylor Kosla:

State Farm.

Khai Nguyen:

State Farm. Okay.

Michael Agruss:

So it’s sort of a lukewarm response. State.

Khai Nguyen:

Is the red label State Farm or Allstate? The red and white logo?

Taylor Kosla:

Red and white is State Farm.

Khai Nguyen:


Taylor Kosla:

I think they’re hit or miss on claims, to be honest.

Michael Agruss:

Yeah. I think the big difference is, there’s what we would consider substandard carriers. I think most insurance are okay. Then you have sort of substandard policies.

Khai Nguyen:

There’s not okay ones.

Michael Agruss:

Right. The substandard are the issues that we run into, where they don’t want to pay a reasonable amount to settle. Don’t get me wrong, State Farm, Allstate Farmers, they have some issues too.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. Sometimes, right.

Michael Agruss:


Taylor Kosla:


Michael Agruss:

But it’s important. You can go on to Google and type in best car insurance company, and you’re going to get whoever in the top 10 or 15. Any of them would be fine. Just don’t do the ones that are substandard.

Khai Nguyen:

Don’t search on Google, substandard insurance company.

Michael Agruss:

I don’t want to say any names, I don’t want to get in trouble, but no, we see it. The kid Taylor represented, that 16 year old kid on a bike, the at fault driver had substandard insurance.

Khai Nguyen:

Why do they pay for substandard insurance? Is it cheaper?

Taylor Kosla:


Michael Agruss:


Khai Nguyen:


Michael Agruss:

You know, I think you’ll see commercials out there, where it’s like $19 a month or something, just to have like bare minimum coverage. When you get in an accident, you need insurance because the other person doesn’t have it or they don’t have enough. You want to make sure that you’re dealing with someone, a company that’s good. That’s going to settle it.

Khai Nguyen:

Is this any case that the substandard insurance company gives to you? Like the drivers a second chance. If they had a bad driving record history, like sometimes you SAA or State Farm or Farmers denied to you?

Taylor Kosla:

I would say bad insurance is better than no insurance.

Michael Agruss:


Taylor Kosla:

But you know, if maybe you’re getting higher rates from State Farm, Farmers, Allstate, those higher tier insurance companies, you’re better off paying the extra money. Maybe you have to because of your driving record. Some insurance is better than none, absolutely.

Khai Nguyen:

Great. [foreign language 01:00:43]. Thank you for being here today with me, and the ideas, Mike and Taylor.

Michael Agruss:

Yeah. Thanks. It was great. I hope are you going to come back to Chicago and host again, please? Maybe?

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah. Maybe. I just told the audience that maybe one day we have talk show in Atlanta with Mike and Taylor.

Michael Agruss:

That’d be awesome.

Khai Nguyen:

Yeah, right. Yeah.

Michael Agruss:

We would love to do it.

Khai Nguyen:

We have a lot of Vietnamese and Korean restaurants out there.

Michael Agruss:


Khai Nguyen:

I’ll treat you some.

Michael Agruss:

Okay. I was going to say, I heard you give the number at the end. By all means, if anyone has questions about their looking at their insurance, I know we went over a lot of information, have them reach out to [inaudible 01:03:56], email him. We will look at someone’s insurance for free and say, yeah, that’s good, or do this, or do that. Taylor and I can look at someone’s insurance policy and within 10 seconds, say, this is good. This isn’t. Here’s what you should do. So, please reach out to [inaudible 01:04:12] and we will help people review their policy all day long. Because it’s so important.

Khai Nguyen:

Thank you so much. [foreign language 01:04:25].

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