We’re using arbitration to help consumers all over the country, and what we’re doing is we’re using arbitration as a sword. And what I mean by that is oftentimes people see the negatives of arbitration, and believe me, there are several. For example, it’s private, there’s limited discovery. You don’t have a judge overseeing the case. One of the good things about arbitration is this, it’s inexpensive, it’s fast, and it gives our clients leverage to go after big companies to solve their problems quickly.So, oftentimes my clients are having problems with internet companies, cable companies, cell phone providers, security systems, all of which have arbitration clauses in the contract. We then sue these big companies in arbitration. It’s inexpensive and it gets quick results for our clients. Our clients have leverage over these big companies because in order to fund the arbitration case, the big companies have to spend thousands of dollars to just file an appearance, and then they’ve got to pay their own lawyers to defend the case. And when you’re talking about a case that doesn’t have a lot of money in damages, but there is a valid claim, it gives us leverage and we settle these cases quickly. And our arbitration cases are all over the country. We’re able to file them no matter where the consumer is located.