My name is Simerdeep Kaur; everybody calls me Simer. I’m an attorney at 844SeeMike Personal Injury Lawyers, and I started in November 2020.I love that personal injury is very state-specific. This is my first year practicing law, and every time we get a new personal injury case, I get to learn more about Illinois state law, which is really cool to me. I also love the intimacy of it. I know that’s a weird word to use, but each client has been through something awful; this injury or accident happened to them. Throughout our client-attorney relationship, we get to build trust, we get to communicate, and we get to make the client whole again, which is always the goal with any personal injury case. I really love that.What I like most about consumer rights clients is they’re very grateful and they’re very eager to learn. As opposed to personal injury law, which is very state-specific practice, consumer rights law is dictated by a handful of federal statutes, so it’s a national practice. I can be here and I can help anybody in America. When you start thinking about it, everybody in the world, everybody in America, is a consumer, but very few people know about their rights. When we’re able to get a favorable verdict or settlement for our client, they’re super grateful, because they didn’t even think that was a possibility. Every time we handle a client’s consumer rights case, they’re a more informed and educated consumer.What I like most about plaintiff’s work is I get to advocate for people that have been injured physically or economically. I’ve always been passionate about advocating for people. Doing plaintiff’s work allows me to shift power back to people. Usually we think of these large institutions, or these people that have all the power, and I sleep better at night knowing I can give, even if it’s a little bit of power, back to the people.My favorite animal is a cat. I used to think I was a dog person, and then I got a cat. Cats are so fiercely independent, so I am definitely a cat person now. The app I use the most is definitely Twitter.My favorite food is seafood. I also love anything that’s spicy. I’ll give anything a try once. Weekends are for relaxing, they’re for rejuvenating, and self-care. If I was not a lawyer, I would be on HGTV flipping houses. My favorite book is “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” by Robert Kiyosaki. My favorite movie has to be “The Notebook.” I watched it for the first time in 2021, and I was mad at myself that I went 27 years without watching “The Notebook,” because I love the movie.Working at 844SeeMike Personal Injury Lawyers is comfortable; it feels like home, almost. I’m so glad I was able to find this position right out of law school. I get to work under some amazing attorneys that have made it so easy for me to learn some areas of law that are kind of complicated. They are always open to me asking questions, even when I feel like, “These are dumb questions,” but it feels comfortable, and I’m glad I’ve found that at 844SeeMike Personal Injury Lawyers.