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Michael Agruss

Written and Reviewed by Michael Agruss

  • Managing Partner and Personal Injury Lawyer at 844SeeMike.
  • Over 20 years of experience in Personal Injury.
  • Graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law: Juris Doctor, 2004.

Were you recently attacked or bitten by a dog? Since Illinois is a strict liability state, the dog’s owner will be held accountable for your losses. One of the top ways to demand justice is by filing a claim with the dog owner’s insurance provider.

Allstate offers homeowners insurance and umbrella insurance policies designed to protect their policyholders. Homeowners insurance may cover dog bites on the owner’s property whereas umbrella policies cover injuries no matter where they occur. If the dog’s owner has an umbrella policy, they may have up to $5 million in coverage protection.

However, getting Allstate to compensate you fairly may be an uphill battle. Having an experienced Illinois dog bite attorney on your side could make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Allstate may be less likely to take advantage of you or trick you into settling for less than you deserve if you have a legal advocate in your corner.

Allstate Dog Bite Policies

Allstate currently offers insurance policies that cover dog bites up to $5 million. This gives dog owners the opportunity to purchase as much or as little insurance coverage as they feel necessary. Of course, the more coverage they purchase, the more Allstate will be expected to pay out if their dog attacks or bites.

It should be noted that Allstate does not exclude specific dog breeds. While other insurance companies may not cover Great Danes, Alaskan malamutes, rottweilers, German shepherds, pit bulls, and other “dangerous dogs”, Allstate is a little different.

Instead, they write their policies based on the dog itself. If the dog has never attacked or bitten before and is generally considered to be a peaceful dog that does not show signs of aggression or violence, the dog owner’s policy may be less expensive.

However, Allstate still covers dogs if they are breeds that are considered high-risk or have previously shown a propensity for violent or aggressive behavior. Although Allstate has the authority to refuse to cover a specific dog based on its breed or history, oftentimes, they will still sell the policy but set higher rates for the dog owner.

How Common Are Dog Bite Claims With Allstate Filed?

Information is limited about how often Allstate deals with dog bite claims. There are millions of dog bites reported annually across the United States. Since Allstate is a nationwide insurance provider, it is likely that thousands or even millions of claims are filed with Allstate after a dog bite each year.

Steps to Take When Allstate’s Settlement Isn’t Enough

Do not be alarmed or lose hope if Allstate refuses to settle your claim or your settlement offer isn’t enough to cover your losses. It’s common for insurance policies to cover specific types and amounts of damages. For example, the dog’s owner may have purchased up to $1 million in bodily injury liability coverage. If your medical bills are greater than $1 million, any excess damages will not be covered by Allstate.

Instead, you will need to seek the remaining damages and any other losses Allstate does not cover, through your dog bite lawsuit. Fortunately, when you bring your case to trial, there are no similar limitations. You have the right to be made whole. You should be compensated for every loss. Examples of recoverable damages in your dog bite lawsuit include:

  • Disfiguring injuries
  • Permanent disability
  • Emotional distress
  • Embarrassing skin scars
  • Loss of income
  • Diminished earning potential
  • Loss of consortium
  • Personal property damages
  • Shame, fear, anticipation, and shock
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of household services

Connect With an Illinois Dog Bite Attorney for Help With Your Claim

Allstate makes money by paying out as little as possible when claimants file claims. For this reason, when you file your dog bite claim with Allstate, it is likely the insurance adjuster will do everything possible to reduce your settlement. Do not let yourself get taken advantage of.

Make sure you have an experienced Illinois dog bite lawyer at 844 See Mike handling your case. Our team will not let Allstate get away with paying you less than your claim is worth. We will be by your side to fight back if Allstate handles your claim in bad faith. Contact our office for a free consultation today and pursue the compensation that is rightfully yours.

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