Wrongful Death From Pressure Sores
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pressure sores, or pressure ulcers, are wounds caused by unrelieved pressure on the skin. Typically found on the elbows, heels, hips, backs, and scalp of a person, many residents in nursing homes fall victim to these from constant heavy pressure on the skin for a period of time. The National Nursing Home Survey found that more than 1 in 10 nursing home residents had a pressure sore.
Pressure sores can appear to be simple redness or become severe enough to cause a crater in the area exposing muscle or bone, causing serious complications. Therefore nursing homes, as well as many hospitals, have procedures to prevent them from forming. But some of these caretakers may neglect to properly execute their jobs, resulting in extreme cases of pressure sores or complications. If you have lost a loved one and believe that a caretaker acted negligently to cause their death from extreme pressure sores, you may consider pursuing a wrongful death case.
Pressure sores can be very debilitating if no prevention efforts are made, or they are not immediately recognized or treated. Often times, it affects people that are bed-ridden from a medical condition. Caretakers should abide by turning schedules for people that must stay in their bed in order to avoid intense pressure. A common issue is that caretakers fail to turn them, thus causing pressure sore formation. A wrongful death case is based on the defendant’s negligence or intentional actions causing the death of another.
If you suspect that this was the case when you tragically lost a loved one, we will help you to ensure that you can have some peace of mind seeking justice for your loved one. We will help you get money for your damages, as well. We know it will not completely remedy your situation, however it can alleviate some of the financial burden.
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