Why does my stomach hurt after a car accident?
If you or a loved one has experienced stomach pains from an injury from an accident, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation so we can help you recover from this experience and get fairly compensated.
A car accident can cause a large variety of different injuries due to the impact, and it certainly takes a financial toll to treat all of these injuries. One type of pain that can result from a car accident is stomach pains. This may be confusing at first to figure out what this pain is related to. It is very important that you do not ignore this symptom, though, since it could be a sign of internal bleeding or other internal injuries.
The force of a collision while wearing a seat belt could cause the seat belt to dig into your stomach and ruptured blood vessels. This is actually referred to by some as “seat belt syndrome” when it causes abrasions or internal injuries from holding you back after a collision. Anything else that may hit your stomach could be causing internal organ damage or soft tissue damage in the abdomen.
This stomach pain could be accompanied by dizziness and bruising from these ruptured blood vessels, so if you also see these signs it is a good visible indicator to seek medical attention immediately. Other symptoms that also may appear include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and cramps, and headaches. If you detect any of these symptoms in the slightest, you should seek medical attention immediately to be treated for any internal injuries.
If another person caused your injuries, you can file a claim against them for monetary damages. Medical care for car accident injuries is not cheap, and it certainly is not cheap when it involves potential complications that you may have had to deal with. With our help, we can help you recover the costs of your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages that resulted from another person’s actions.
Helping our clients is about counseling, advocating, and ultimately solving problems. With years of experience successfully representing the people, not the powerful, we will take care of the insurance adjusters, your medical bills, your property damage, and your lost wages, and monitor your treatment so you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal. Our unique formula has earned us over 1,000 outstanding client reviews on our website, an A+ BBB rating, and over 135 five-star reviews on Google. Call 888-572-0176, e-mail us at michael@agrusslawfirm.com, or schedule a meeting with us here. We’re here 24/7.
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