Surprise Visits to Nursing Homes can Uncover Abuse, Neglect and Medical Malpractice
Illinois nursing homes are required to provide adequate nursing care and keep your loved ones safe and secure as directed by the Illinois Nursing Home Care Act and by federal regulations. Sometimes these nursing homes fall short, putting your loved ones at risk for abuse, neglect, and medical malpractice. That is why surprise visits are important.
Surprise visits are often performed by state inspectors to inspect the facility and patient care but can also be done by family members to check up on the care of their loved ones. It is important to visit on different days and at different times to ensure that your loved ones are receiving proper care at all times and by all nursing home staff, and that the staff are not just putting on a good show when they know you will be visiting. If you do not feel that they are getting adequate care, it is recommended that a report be filed with the state.
The Illinois Department of Health (IDPH) will perform a surprise visit to a nursing home when a family member files a claim of abuse. If you ever suspect that your loved one is not receiving the care they require, or you witness anything that seems to be “off”, it is important to make a report with IDPH at 800-252-4343.
Some warning signs you should look out for include:
- Bedsores;
- Unexplained injuries;
- Evidence of restraint;
- Unexplained weight loss;
- Unsanitary conditions;
- Unexplained torn, stain, or bloody clothing;
- Unexplained or changed financial documents;
- Behavior changes in your loved one.
It is always important to follow your gut instincts; if something appears to be wrong, it more than likely is. If you suspect abuse, neglect, or medical malpractice at an Illinois nursing home, contact authorities first, then contact an experienced personal injury lawyer to assess your case for free.
If you believe a loved one has been abused or neglected at a long-term care facility, contact 844 See Mike, for a free consultation. We are a Chicago injury law firm representing individuals and families who have suffered an injury or loss due to an accident. 844 See Mike, will handle your personal injury case quickly, will advise you every step of the way, and will not hesitate to go to trial for you.
Lastly, 844 See Mike, does not get paid attorney’s fees unless we win your case. Our no-fee promise is that simple. Therefore, you have nothing to risk when you hire us–just the opportunity to seek justice.
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