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Sudden (acute) back injuries

Michael Agruss

Written and Reviewed by Michael Agruss

  • Managing Partner and Personal Injury Lawyer at 844SeeMike.
  • Over 20 years of experience in Personal Injury.
  • Graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law: Juris Doctor, 2004.

When you experience an acute back injury that was caused by someone else, you can receive monetary damages for your losses. If you or a loved one has experienced a sudden, acute back injury from an accident, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation so we can help you recover from this experience and get fairly compensated.

Acute back injuries typically refer to sharp back pains caused by an accident that causes problems to the bones, discs, ligaments, or muscles in the back. These components of the back can be pulled, strained, stretched, or sprained. The pains that follow can be worsened due to chemicals causing inflammation of the area.

This sharp back pain may be brought on and take the form of muscle spasms, herniated disks, vertebrae fractures, or even infections. Any of the aforementioned causes of pain can cause acute back pains in the upper or lower halves of the back. These pains should call for immediate medical attention when you notice that they come on suddenly and painfully. They are typically diagnosed with imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans. 

To recover, you should keep moving to a tolerable level according to your pain in order to keep your blood and nutrients flowing around your body and to your muscles. Icing the injury site or using a heating pad could help for temporary pain relief as well as over-the-counter medications. Physical therapy exercises could also help in regaining normal mobility of your back. These are fairly easily resolved issues in the majority of cases, but as long as you adhere to your doctor’s instructions for treatment, you should be recovered in two to four weeks, depending on the injury’s severity.

If another person caused your injuries, you can file a claim against them for monetary damages. Medical care for a bone fracture is not cheap, and it certainly is not cheap when it involves surgery or potential complications that you may have had to deal with. With our help, we can help you recover the costs of your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages that resulted from another person’s actions.

Helping our clients is about counseling, advocating, and ultimately solving problems. With years of experience successfully representing the people, not the powerful, we will take care of the insurance adjusters, your medical bills, your property damage, and your lost wages, and monitor your treatment so you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal. Our unique formula has earned us over 1,000 outstanding client reviews on our website, an A+ BBB rating, and over 135 five-star reviews on Google. Call 888-572-0176, e-mail us at, or schedule a meeting with us here. We’re here 24/7.

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