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Skull fractures

Michael Agruss

Written and Reviewed by Michael Agruss

  • Managing Partner and Personal Injury Lawyer at 844SeeMike.
  • Over 20 years of experience in Personal Injury.
  • Graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law: Juris Doctor, 2004.


One of the most traumatizing head or brain injuries is a skull fracture. Unfortunately, this can be the outcome for some seriously damaging car accidents and follows as a symptom of a traumatic brain injury, as well. If you or a loved one has sustained a skull fracture from an accident, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation so we can help you recover from this experience and get fairly compensated.

A skull fracture is any break in the skull, which can appear from a major blow to the head after a car accident. This type of injury can be fatal and extremely dangerous party because some types of skull fractures may require emergency brain surgery to repair. Typically, skull fractures come in a few varying types. Generally, a closed fracture is when the skin over the fracture is not cut open; an open fracture is when the skin over the fracture is broken and the bone is visible.

Victims of a skull fracture can experience bleeding or bruising around or near the head, swelling, warmth around the fracture, and extreme pain. Following the injury, one may experience dizziness, nausea, headache, fatigue, and many more symptoms that are also commonly associated with concussions. Some skull fractures have the potential to be fatal within hours, but some can also be fairly painless and easily treated. No matter what, if one receives a major blow to the head after a car accident, it is especially important that that person gets immediate medical attention so that they are taken care of from the moment they are injured until they are in a safer condition.

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