Other Coverages That May Be Required
Primary auto insurance in Illinois includes liability coverage, followed by Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Coverage (UM) and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury Insurance (UIM). While the primary coverage serves to protect other drivers, pedestrians, and properties, other coverages are recommended to protect you.
Aside from UM and UIM, you may also be required to secure Physical Damage Coverage. Although Illinois law does not require this type of coverage, your lender may. Physical Damage Coverage is divided into two: collision coverage and comprehensive coverage.
Collision coverage will pay for your vehicle damages due to collision with another car or a fixed object (post or tree), or when your car overturns due to the impact. Typically, this insurance type will require an out-of-pocket amount (deductible) before the coverage takes effect. Comprehensive coverage will cover damages caused by other things but the collision e.g. falling tree, vandalism, fire, theft, etc. Some insurance carriers will require you to secure a comprehensive coverage before getting a collision coverage.
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