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Neck Injuries and Cervical Radiculopathy

Michael Agruss

Written and Reviewed by Michael Agruss

  • Managing Partner and Personal Injury Lawyer at 844SeeMike.
  • Over 20 years of experience in Personal Injury.
  • Graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law: Juris Doctor, 2004.

Disturbance of or damage to nerves in the neck which is caused by compression of the cervical vertebrae is known as “cervical radiculopathy.” Damage to these nerve roots can result in pain, weakness, and loss of sensation in the neck, shoulders, arms, or legs, and pain in these regions is the most common symptom. However, the locations of pain and/or loss of sensation often depend on which particular nerves are damaged.

Cervical radiculopathy damage is common in auto accidents and can be caused by pressure from ruptured discs, arthritic and degenerative conditions, and other injuries which put pressure on nerves due to swelling. In younger people, CR is commonly caused by ruptured discs, and anatomic drawing may be used to find the precise locations which are causing pain. Typical treatment for CR may involve over-the-counter medications, physical therapy, and in serious cases, surgery to relieve pressure on the damaged nerves.

If you believe you’ve suffered a neck injury in an accident, seek medical attention to identify the location and severity of any potential nerve damage as soon as possible. It is especially important for older people to have CR properly correlated with the accident by an attorney, as bone-degeneration and conditions such as arthritis can complicate this direct link and potentially affect the case’s value unless the connection is properly demonstrated.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury to the head, neck, or spine in an accident, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation. We are a Chicago-based injury law firm representing individuals (and their families) who have suffered an injury in an accident. We will handle your case quickly and advise you every step of the way, and we will not hesitate to go to trial for you.

Lastly, 844 See Mike is not paid attorneys’ fees unless we win your case. Our no-fee promise is that simple. You have nothing to risk when you hire us – only the opportunity to seek justice.

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