How painful is a bone fracture?
If you or a loved one has fractured a bone from an accident, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation so we can help you recover from this experience and get fairly compensated.
A bone fracture is when physical force is exerted on the bone that is stronger than the bone itself, causing the bone to break to some extent. Fractures are certainly painful, but the extent to which they are varies depending on the location, the force that caused it, and type of bone.
Bones that are broken in areas that are used for daily function may be very painful to tolerate. Breaking the tailbone may make sitting or sleeping painful or very uncomfortable, and breaking a rib can make eating or breathing painful or difficult. The greater the force that caused the fracture, the more likely that the bone is more fractured, which could mean more damage or pain in the surrounding area. A fracture can damage the surrounding soft tissue or nerves, which can add additional pain. Also, the type of bone is relevant since some bones are stronger than others. It would take a considerable impact to break the strongest bone in the body, the femur, while it would certainly not take as much to break the softest, which is the clavicle.
Immediately after a fracture, you will experience acute pain that decreases over time. The weeks following the injury, you will experience sub-acute pain, which is the result of the stiffness lack of movement that your muscles around the injury site have experienced. It is also the result of soft tissue damage around the bone, making movement more painful than normal. Once a person is completely healed, they may experience chronic pain which is long-term pain and dependent on the injury. This may be the result of severe soft tissue damage or nerve damage, but it can be resolved or lessened with physical therapy and/or medications.
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