How long after a car accident do injuries appear?
If you or a loved one has experienced an injury from an accident, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation so we can help you recover from this experience and get fairly compensated.
As you are properly driving your car like any other normal day, an irresponsible driver may cause a collision between you two. This accident can be very traumatizing at the moment and stir up a lot of thoughts. You may immediately wonder about the safety of the others in the car, how you are going to pay for damages, and what caused the other driver to act so recklessly. It can be a very disturbing event in a person’s life.
Immediately after a car accident, you may begin to feel weakness, pain, or numbness in parts of your body. These feelings are indicative of an injury somewhere that you should get checked by a doctor right away. But also after a car accident, you are likely feeling many emotions above anything else. You may be frightened, anxious, in pain, and more. One of these feelings is likely to shock. When your body is in shock, it secretes a hormone called adrenaline. Adrenaline (as well as endorphins from the accident) causes you to get energized and be able to not feel the pain that your body is actually, physiologically experiencing. This may cause your injuries to go unnoticed until hours or even days later. This is one reason that seeking medical attention right after an accident is important – you may not even realize that you are hurt.
There are also certain types of injuries that are not immediately apparent in a car accident. One of these injuries, which is also very common after a car accident, is a concussion. If your head hits the steering wheel or some other object due to the accident, you can get a concussion but not feel the symptoms right away. They naturally tend to gradually appear. Also, injuries that affect soft tissue, which is commonly whiplash in the context of car accidents, have a delayed onset of symptoms. Both of these injuries are still very serious and should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.
If another person caused your injuries, you can file a claim against them for monetary damages. Medical care for an injury is not cheap, and it certainly is not cheap when it involves potential complications that you may have had to deal with. With our help, we can help you recover the costs of your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages that resulted from another person’s actions.
Helping our clients is about counseling, advocating, and ultimately solving problems. With years of experience successfully representing the people, not the powerful, we will take care of the insurance adjusters, your medical bills, your property damage, and your lost wages, and monitor your treatment so you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal. Our unique formula has earned us over 1,000 outstanding client reviews on our website, an A+ BBB rating, and over 135 five-star reviews on Google. Call 888-572-0176, e-mail us at, or schedule a meeting with us here. We’re here 24/7.
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