Eye Tests for Brain Injury Diagnoses
If you’ve suffered any type of head injury in an accident, it is imperative that you seek medical attention to identify any potential signs of a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI). One common head injury protocol is ensuring that a victim is oriented regarding person, place, time, and date, known as “oriented times four” to mental health professionals and first responders. It is also used in professional sports, particularly football and hockey.
Many concussions are caused by “closed head injuries,” for which blood need not be visible for the injury to occur, and the brain typically slams against the interior of the skull in a way that causes bruising on the brain. These injuries can also result in swelling, which in turn can deprive the brain of oxygen and cause a stroke or permanent brain injury in serious cases.
A recent Medscape article recognized a simple but highly-innovative eye test which can actually help doctors determine if a patient has suffered a brain injury or concussion. The device is called a “pupillometer” and has already been used by the United States Army in medical evaluations to measure the sizes of pupils, distances between pupils, and their responses to visual cues, especially light. According to a NeurOptics article about the NPi™-100 Pupillometer:
“Clinicians routinely check the pupils of critically injured and ill patients to monitor neurological status. The two main components that are checked are pupil size and reactivity to light. Manual pupil measurements (performed using a penlight or ophthalmoscope) have been shown to be inaccurate and not repeatable or consistent. The NeurOptics® NPi™-100 Pupillometer removes subjectivity from the measurement of the pupil size and reactivity and its NPi™ algorithm provides a way to track and trend pupillary reactivity in a consistent, objective and quantifiable way.”
If you or a loved one has suffered a head injury due to another’s negligence, contact 844 See Mike, LLC for a free consultation. We are a Chicago-based injury law firm representing individuals (and their families) who have suffered an injury in an accident. We will handle your case quickly and advise you every step of the way, and we will not hesitate to go to trial for you.
Lastly, 844 See Mike is not paid attorneys’ fees unless we win your case. Our no-fee promise is that simple. You have nothing to risk when you hire us – only the opportunity to seek justice.
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