Daycare Physical Abuse
In today’s world, both parents are busy, working professionals that require the services of a daycare facility for their children that aren’t quite old enough to be in school all day. Parents trust that the professionals at these daycare facilities will take care of their children and keep them safe, not cause them harm. Daycare physical abuse is a very real and serious issue that has long-lasting consequences.
If your child has been injured at a daycare facility, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation. We are a Chicago-based injury law firm representing individuals (and their families) who have suffered an injury in an accident. We will handle your case quickly and advise you every step of the way, and we will not hesitate to go to trial for you. Lastly, 844 See Mike is not paid attorneys’ fees unless we win your case. Our no-fee promise is that simple. You have nothing to risk when you hire us – only the opportunity to seek justice.
Common Signs of Physical Abuse
It is important to understand the warning signs of physical abuse any time your child is under the care of others. Child abusers will use fear and intimidation to keep children from speaking up about child abuse, and often convince the child that telling anyone will get them (the child) in trouble.
Some of the most common signs of physical abuse include:
- Behavior changes/mood swings-Children that are being physically abused will often retreat into themselves. They may also become shy, feel guilt, show fear of being punished, and become aggressive. Kicking, biting, hitting, and fighting are all common signs of aggressive behavior due to physical abuse.
- Acting out in an inappropriate manner-If a child is abused sexually, they will often begin displaying sexual behaviors that are inappropriate for their age.
- Displaying anxiety or fear of a daycare employee-A child that suddenly begins to cry, throw tantrums, or act sick when they are dropped off at a daycare, especially with one particular employee, they may be demonstrating fear of that person for a particular reason, which should be investigated.
- Unexplained injuries-If your child is suffering from bruises, welts, and/or cuts on the wrists, forearms, buttocks, back of legs, shoulders, or neck that do not go away, it is often indicative of ongoing physical abuse as opposed to the simple falls that all children suffer. If your child flinches at raised hands or voices, or cowers when being touched, this is a strong indicator that some form of abuse is going on.
- Reverting to infantile behavior-Regressive behaviors such as thumb sucking, clinginess, excessive crying, and bed wetting are often emotional indicators that your child could be suffering from abuse.
- Nightmares-Children are not mentally capable of handling abuse and will often push the trauma down, which may manifest as nightmares or night terrors.
- Urinary tract infections or STD’s-Itchiness, soreness, or redness around the genitals is a large red flag that sexual abuse could be occurring. If your child begins to develop urinary tract infections or is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, seek help immediately.
- Trust your gut-Your instincts as a parent should never be ignored. Never lead your child into giving false information, but instead question them carefully and most importantly, listen to what they have to say. Contact the authorities if you suspect that your child is being physically abused so that they can investigate the allegations.
Physical abuse can have lasting effects on a child, often requiring long-term psychological and medical care. While the authorities will make the final determination as to filing a criminal case against the daycare staff member and/or daycare center, as a parent, you have the right to file a civil lawsuit on behalf of your child for their losses.
We at 844 See Mike are proud to serve our fellow citizens in personal injury cases, especially when you or a loved one has been injured, and we are fully committed to protecting your rights and ensuring that the other party is held legally accountable when negligence occurs. We will fight until the very end to ensure that you are fully compensated for all injuries and losses resulting from the accident, including medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering, and you won’t owe us a dime for our services.
We see you as a person, not just a client – and that makes us better at work we do. We listen. We learn your story. And, as we help you get the money you deserve, we go above and beyond in a way most law firms never could and never would. Because we’re not just lawyers. And you’re not just a client. We’re friends, neighbors, family. We’re all people and here at 844 See Mike, we put People, First.
Helping our clients is about counseling, advocating, and ultimately solving problems. With years of experience successfully representing the people, not the powerful, we will take care of the insurance adjusters, your medical bills, your property damage, your lost wages, and monitor your treatment so you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal. Our unique formula has earned us over 900 outstanding client reviews on our website, an A+ BBB rating, and over 120 five-star reviews on Google. Call 888-572-0176, e-mail us at, or schedule meeting with us here. We’re here 24/7.
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