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Children on Bicycles

Michael Agruss

Written and Reviewed by Michael Agruss

  • Managing Partner and Personal Injury Lawyer at 844SeeMike.
  • Over 20 years of experience in Personal Injury.
  • Graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law: Juris Doctor, 2004.

Bike riding is a great activity for everyone, especially children. Cycling is a great way to exercise, provide quality time together, and also gives children a sense of independence. Bicycles are vehicles, not toys, and children should be instructed on how to properly ride to stay safe. 

There are three important tips to keep in mind to keep your child safe when they are riding their bicycle:

  • Have your child wear a properly fitted helmet every time they are on a bicycle-no exceptions.
  • Make sure your child’s bicycle is in good working order.
  • Teach your child the rules of the road when they plan on riding on the streets.

One of the biggest risks from a bicycle accident is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Wearing a helmet will greatly reduce this risk should an accident occur. When choosing a helmet for your child, you want to follow these tips: 

  • Start using a helmet at a young age;
  • Make sure that the helmet is level on the top of their head, covers the child’s forehead, and doesn’t slip back. Always keep the snaps buckled snugly under the chin;
  • Ensure that the helmet that your child wears is approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) for safety;
  • Never use a helmet that has been involved in a crash and do not allow your child to throw the helmet around;
  • Use reflective stickers on the helmet to increase visibility;
  • If you are unsure of proper fit, take your child to a bike store to be fitted properly;
  • Set a good example and wear a helmet yourself. 

Choosing the proper bicycle for your child is just as important as choosing the proper helmet. Bicycles that are too big are more likely to cause your child an injury. To choose the proper bicycle for your child, follow these recommendations:

  • The child’s feet should lay flat on the ground when they are seated on the bicycle;
  • Match the bicycle with the ability of your child-small children will not understand gear shifts;
  • The bicycle should match the current age of your child-never pick a bicycle that they will “grow into”;
  • Make sure the bicycle is in good working order-check tire pressure, the tightness of the chain, seat, and handlebars, and the brakes. 

Parents should also make sure that their child is visible when they are riding their bicycle. Do not allow children to ride when it is dark and dress your children in bright, tight-fitting clothing, use only closed-toe shoes, and use reflective tape on their clothing and bicycle. Children should never use headphones while riding, and any items they are carrying should be carried in a backpack or a basket that is attached to the bicycle. 

Rules of the road are important for everyone that rides a bicycle. Before your child starts riding their bicycle be sure to teach them the following road rules:

  • Hand signals-Bicycles are not equipped with turn signals, which is why hand signals are important to let drivers know what the cyclist intends on doing:

    • For left turns-Extend the left arm out completely sideways, pointing to the left.
    • For right turns-Extend the left arm out sideways, bent at a 90 degree angle upwards at the elbow joint, hand pointing upward and the palm pointing forward.
    • Stopping or slowing-Extend the left arm out sideways, bent at a 90 degree angle downwards, hand pointing down and the palm pointing backward.
  • Where to ride-As a general rule, children under the age of 10 should not ride on the road or use bike lanes, instead they should remain on sidewalks and ride in the direction of traffic.
  • Intersection safety-Teach children to look to the left, right, and left again before crossing. They should also check behind them and yield to any traffic that is approaching from behind. Very young children should be instructed to walk their bicycle through intersections as well.
  • Street signs and signals-Bicycles are a vehicle and cyclists are required to follow all the street signs and signals.
  • Assume they are not seen-Cyclists are at a disadvantage because they are more difficult to see, especially small children. Teach children to assume a driver cannot see them unless they make eye contact.
  • Watch for turning vehicles-Even if a child is riding on the sidewalk, a vehicle may turn in an attempt to access their driveway or a street.
  • Don’t ride too close to parked cars-Doors opening suddenly can cause dooring accidents.
  • Ride single file-Cyclists of all ages are required to ride single file and not attempt to ride side-by-side.

Learning to ride a bicycle is a right of passage for most children and is not only healthy, but fun. Following a few rules and recommendations from the start will go a long way in making sure that your child rides their bicycle safely for years to come.

If your child has been injured in an accident, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation. We are a Chicago-based injury law firm representing individuals (and their families) who have suffered an injury in an accident. We will handle your case quickly and advise you every step of the way, and we will not hesitate to go to trial for you. Lastly, 844 See Mike is not paid attorneys’ fees unless we win your case. Our no-fee promise is that simple. You have nothing to risk when you hire us – only the opportunity to seek justice.

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