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Will an X-ray show a torn ligament in the ankle?

Michael Agruss

Written and Reviewed by Michael Agruss

  • Managing Partner and Personal Injury Lawyer at 844SeeMike.
  • Over 20 years of experience in Personal Injury.
  • Graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law: Juris Doctor, 2004.

The ankle is a joint which connects the leg to the foot and provides you with a range of motion in the area. Ankle sprains are an injury where you roll or twist your ankle in an abnormal way so that the ligaments in the ankle stretch or tear, followed by discomfort and pain. If you or a loved one has fractured a bone from an accident, contact 844 See Mike for a free consultation so we can help you recover from this experience and get fairly compensated.

After an accident, you may think that you have just sprained your ankle due to the pain that you are feeling. You should seek medical attention immediately following the injury so that you can get treated for any serious injuries. Once the doctors have heard about the accident, they will conduct some tests to be sure that they can diagnose your injury accurately. 

When a patient comes in with an ankle injury, doctors need to rule out other possibilities based on the circumstances of the accident. Some common tests run on people coming in with an ankle injury include a physical exam, an X-ray, or an MRI. The physical exam will test your range of motion, and an MRI can show ligament damage and thus help them be confident in diagnosing a sprain. On the other hand, an X-ray cannot show a torn ligament. X-rays only show images of the bone in the ankle, so doctors may use this to rule out the possibility of a bone fracture. These tests do help doctors rule out other conditions, so they can help prevent unnecessary treatment and conclusion.

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